Below you will find a brief description of the children at Little Friends Daycare. If you would like to see additional pictures, just click on the child's name to go to his/her specific page.

Peyton is 2 years old. He is a very easy-going little boy. He is also the most agreeable 2 year old I know! I have yet to find a food he doesn't like. He is also a rough & tumble kind of kid. His favorite toys at daycare right now are the trucks and little people.


Garette is 3 years old. He is such a sweetheart! Although he is not here very long each day, it's easy to see that he is a very loving child. The other kids always anticipate his arrival on the bus and watch impatiently through the open door. His favorite toy right now is the Sit-n-Spin.


Caleb is 5 years old. He is quite entertaining! He has a great imagination. He especially likes any sort of 'building' toys. He also likes circle time, craft time, and playing outside. And he loves to eat!


Jarrod is 2 years old. He is adorable! He is very outgoing and interested in everything. His favorite toys are the trucks and cars. In case you can't tell, Jarrod is Seths' twin.









Seth is 2 years old. He is adorable too! What a sweet, loving little boy he is. His favorite toys right now are the trucks and cars. In case you can't tell, Seth is Jarrod's twin.


Trevor is 4 years old. He is my son and, of course, I think he is wonderful. He is shy until he gets to know someone. His favorite parts of the day are circle time, craft time, nap time (when he gets to watch tv), and the arrival of Buddy (his dad) after work each day. He loves to practice his writing skills.  He is so looking forward to starting kindergarten next year. He is very excited about riding a bus to school. His favorite toy of the moment is his Leap Pad.


Tori is 9 years old. She is my daughter. She is by far the kindest and most considerate child I know. She is in the 4th grade. Her favorite subject is Math. Her favorite part of the daycare portion of her day is snack time. If she does not spend the entire afternoon on homework, she likes to read to the younger children. She also likes to teach them gymnastics and tumbling.

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Children are living jewels dropped unsustained from heaven.
Robert Pollok



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Script from Dynamic Drive

Copyright © 2002 Little Friends Daycare. All rights reserved.
Revised: April 01, 2003